
Policy governance is a conceptual model of boardsmanship that provides a framework for strategic leadership by the 校董会 at 杰克逊的大学. 这种模型使电路板从不必要的东西中解脱出来, time-consuming details and to focus on the major purpose of governance, creating and sustaining a vision of what the organization contributes to the community. The 杰克逊的大学 board is primarily concerned with 末端 of the organization (what good is produced for what people) and delegate the MEANs (programs services, 和操作)用来实现总统的目标. The 杰克逊的大学 board governs on behalf of an identifiable ownership and are externally and future-oriented.

In fulfilling its role, the board essentially performs three jobs. 他们与拥有该机构的社区联系在一起, they make policy and they assure institutional performance through the president’s performance.


  1. 董事会的存在是为了代表机构的所有权. The first job responsibility of the board is to define and connect with the ownership;
  2. The board has authority only as a whole; individual trustees have no individual power to govern the institution or direct the president or staff;
  3. 董事会的决定和指示被表述为政策, which is the expression of the values and perspectives of the board. 董事会的第二项职责是制定政策;
  4. 在制定政策方面, the board starts with large policy statements and systematically narrows their policy statements a step at a time, until they are comfortable with any reasonable interpretation the president may make;
  5. The board proactively defines and delegates authority to the president for the MEANs of the organization, 而不是回应和批准政府的提议. They are not involved in managing operations, staff or facilities;
  6. A pivotal duty of governance is to determine 末端 (the desired results) of the organization. 目的定义了以什么成本为什么样的人生产什么样的产品. The ENDs policies are based on external needs and should be linked to strategic planning;
  7. The board addresses the MEANs used by the president to achieve 末端 by defining as policy the boundaries beyond which the president must not go. 这些定义包括行政限制政策;
  8. The board is responsible for designing its own job responsibilities and standards for board practice defined in the Governance Process policies;
  9. The board defines relationships with administration that are empowering, responsible and clear. The relationships are stated in Board-CEO Relationship policies; and
  10. Institutional performance is monitored rigorously against policy criteria. The third job responsibility of the board is to assure executive and institutional performance through monitoring progress toward ENDs and adherence to limitations.


Board that use the policy governance approach set policy in the following four areas:

  1. END: The board’s most important job is to devise the mission and mission-related statements that clearly state what the desired results, 末端, 组织的行动都是要做的. 需要满足什么,为谁,以什么代价? How will the world be different as a result of the organization’s actions? What are the expected outcomes of the institution’s programs for those it serves?
  2. Executive Limitations: While the board prescribes 末端 for the institution, it only sets limits on the MEANs with which the president operates. These limits are principles of prudence and ethics that form a boundary of presidential practices, 活动, 情况和方法.
  3. Board-CEO Relationship: In addition to setting a vision and defining what constitutes inappropriate presidential practices, the board must set policies about how it related to the president. In essence, the CEO is the board’s sole employee and the link between the board and staff. Board-CEO Relationship policies define the CEO’s role, delegation and accountability.
  4. 治理过程:董事会为自己的工作制定政策, 其职责(如上所述), 它的结构, 董事会的会议将如何举行和标准. The policies reinforce the board’s responsibilities to provide vision and governing leadership.